Vintage Automobiles

Vintage car parked in front of old buildings

Vintage car parked in front of old buildings

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Don't Kill Our Wild Life. Poster from the NYC: Works Progress Administration, Federal Art Project, [between 1936 and 1940]. From the Work Projects Administration Poster Collection. Library of Congress Prints & Photographs Division.

Don't Kill Our Wild Life. Poster from the NYC: Works Progress Administration, Federal Art Project, [between 1936 and 1940]. From the Work Projects Administration Poster Collection. Library of Congress Prints & Photographs Division.

I have always found myself attractive to vintage things. Things back then seems more organic, the big knobs, the buttons, the physicality of the objects.. Perhaps I was born in the wrong era.
This shot was taken at a event called Cars and Coffee that I was invited to.
Brought out my ND filter with my Sigma 18-35 Art lens to get this shallow DoF.

I have always found myself attractive to vintage things. Things back then seems more organic, the big knobs, the buttons, the physicality of the objects.. Perhaps I was born in the wrong era.
This shot was taken at a event called Cars and Coffee that I was invited to.
Brought out my ND filter with my Sigma 18-35 Art lens to get this shallow DoF.

Vintage Chevrolet. Konyaalti, Antalya, Turkiye. December 2022.

Vintage Chevrolet. Konyaalti, Antalya, Turkiye. December 2022.

Vintage Chevrolet. Konyaalti, Antalya, Turkiye. December 2022.

Vintage Chevrolet. Konyaalti, Antalya, Turkiye. December 2022.

Vintage Chevrolet. Konyaalti, Antalya, Turkiye. December 2022.

Vintage Chevrolet. Konyaalti, Antalya, Turkiye. December 2022.

Vintage Chevrolet. Konyaalti, Antalya, Turkiye. December 2022.

Vintage Chevrolet. Konyaalti, Antalya, Turkiye. December 2022.

The Jaguar Mark 2 is a medium-sized saloon car built from late 1959 to 1967 by Jaguar in Coventry, England.

The Jaguar Mark 2 is a medium-sized saloon car built from late 1959 to 1967 by Jaguar in Coventry, England.

I'm @lukas.kyzur on Instagram

I'm @lukas.kyzur on Instagram

Picture taken for FindByPlate – | Two vintage Volkswagen beetles in the grass field

Picture taken for FindByPlate – | Two vintage Volkswagen beetles in the grass field