
Setting off just before dawn, we hiked the short 1km trail up to the top of Raven Crag, which overlooks the length of Thirlmere. It was one of those bitingly cold winter mornings, but the moment the sun came up over the Helvellyn range, all discomforts are forgotten as you realise the beauty of the world.

Setting off just before dawn, we hiked the short 1km trail up to the top of Raven Crag, which overlooks the length of Thirlmere. It was one of those bitingly cold winter mornings, but the moment the sun came up over the Helvellyn range, all discomforts are forgotten as you realise the beauty of the world.

Caminando por un paraje verde y luminoso, a partes nublado por unas nubes que lo cubrían en la intermitencia, baja un río color cal proveniente de un inmenso glaciar colocado de forma estratégica para mandar sus caudales cuesta abajo dirección al mar. Apasionante ver cómo la magia puede invadir un lugar de estas magnitudes tan solo con unos pocos rayos de sol y un ambiente húmedo como de primavera.

Caminando por un paraje verde y luminoso, a partes nublado por unas nubes que lo cubrían en la intermitencia, baja un río color cal proveniente de un inmenso glaciar colocado de forma estratégica para mandar sus caudales cuesta abajo dirección al mar. Apasionante ver cómo la magia puede invadir un lugar de estas magnitudes tan solo con unos pocos rayos de sol y un ambiente húmedo como de primavera.

This hidden waterfall can be found in the remote Western Bays of Lake Taupo in NZ, accessible only by boat. The steep cliffs on the edge of the lake (a former volcanic crater) create the perfect conditions for this beautiful waterfall, framed on either side with native flora clinging on to the rock face. This bay is also great for fishing, with the waterfall offering a handy landmark for navigating to a prime spot!

This hidden waterfall can be found in the remote Western Bays of Lake Taupo in NZ, accessible only by boat. The steep cliffs on the edge of the lake (a former volcanic crater) create the perfect conditions for this beautiful waterfall, framed on either side with native flora clinging on to the rock face. This bay is also great for fishing, with the waterfall offering a handy landmark for navigating to a prime spot!

The mosquitoes were horrible!

Mitchell Park / Brookfield, WI

The mosquitoes were horrible!

Mitchell Park / Brookfield, WI

Hornopiren//- Hidden in the surroundings of Hornopiren is this beautiful postcard. Hornopirén is the gateway to the southern road. From here you connect by boat to Caleta Gonzalo, starting there the land crossing until you reach Villa Ohiggins, which is the end of the road.

Hornopiren//- Hidden in the surroundings of Hornopiren is this beautiful postcard. Hornopirén is the gateway to the southern road. From here you connect by boat to Caleta Gonzalo, starting there the land crossing until you reach Villa Ohiggins, which is the end of the road.

best hike ever in Nepal!

best hike ever in Nepal!

Virgin forests around a river

Virgin forests around a river